Income Tax department has made PAN of tax payers as inoperative if they are not linked to Aadhaar. NRIs (Non Residents) are exempt from PAN and Aadhaar linkage, however they need to change their NRI Status in PAN. NRIs could be rightfully frustrated and are struggling to get make their PAN operative again. We have […]
How to Make Your Family Budget

This video explains the importance of budgeting in your financial life. We discuss this using the story of Giving Tree and how a young boy doesn’t plan & budget his resources and eventually faces an undesirable outcome in life.
India Budget 2023

The post goes through key highlights of the India Budget 2023 and personal tax changes.
Diwali Note-2022

I wish you and your loved ones a Shubh Diwali. In our yearly Diwali note, we are combining our wishes along with our views on the year ahead. Best wishes.
2022 Start Of Year Note

We start 2022 with a third year of raging COVID infections. A silver lining being – the number of hospitalisations are under control. I wish that we start seeing weakness of the virus from here on.
This post covers my thoughts on what we saw in the last one year and my guesses for how things may shape up in the near future across different asset classes.
Diwali 2021 Note
This year, Diwali reminds me once again the importannce of health. One must take opportunity to spend time with family. And while Goddess Laxmi is being kind, one must not get carried away. Please maintain balanced investment asset allocation.
How To Prevent Rejection of Medical Insurance Claims
The post details common pitfalls which results in rejection of medical insurance claims. Most of these reasons can be avoided by being careful while taking the policy and at the stage of hospitalisation.
Value of Your Time
Do you spend hours each week tracking investment bets ? Would this be your core skill set versus your primary source of income ? If not, have you given it a thought of what else you could do with this investment of time ? Read this post on the value of your time and how you could leverage on professional help to achieve better outcomes.
Basics of Medical Insurance

Health is wealth. A medical insurance takes this one step forward. It protects a person’s wealth should one need to go through a costly hospitalisation. With rising medical bills, Medical insurance is no longer an option in a financial plan. If you can an insurance for your vehicle, you definitely can for your life.
How To Pick A Multibagger Stock

Buying stocks is buying a stake in a business. In this post we discuss how investors could identify fundamentally strong Companies which can deliver long term wealth. At the same time, this could assist in weeding out many of the minefields in the world of equity investing.