2022 Start Of Year Note

We start 2022 with a third year of raging COVID infections. A silver lining being – the number of hospitalisations are under control. I wish that we start seeing weakness of the virus from here on.

This post covers my thoughts on what we saw in the last one year and my guesses for how things may shape up in the near future across different asset classes.

Economic Update – July 2020

Very interesting insights were shared by Nilesh Shah from Kotak Mutual Fund via the Monthly Update. I am sharing some nuggets out of the overall insights are in this thread. This blog note is an extract from our twitter handle @banyanfa

If India’s Credit Rating Gets Downgraded..

It is happening again. In 2012, we had Fitch downgrading its India’s rating outlook to Negative. In 2020, we now have Moody’s downgrading its rating from Baa2 to Baa3. What would would this mean? This post aims to demystify the importance and actions of Rating agencies.