2022 Start Of Year Note

We start 2022 with a third year of raging COVID infections. A silver lining being – the number of hospitalisations are under control. I wish that we start seeing weakness of the virus from here on.

This post covers my thoughts on what we saw in the last one year and my guesses for how things may shape up in the near future across different asset classes.

Why Aren’t Stock Markets Crashing ?

Despite of rising COVID cases, Stock markets are showing no signs of correction. Is there a disconnect between the ground reality and stock valuations ? Read this post which explains some fundamental reasons behind the earlier fall and current uptrend.

Motilal Oswal 25th Wealth Creation Study

Each year Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal conducts multi-month study targeting different themes and presents it to the investor community. This year’s theme was coming up with a set of 25 questions which investors could use to identify good Companies using a bottom of research. This blog post covers the presentation for 2020 and has been compiled from our twitter handle @banyanfa where we tweet frequently on personal finance topics.

A Special Diwali And Hope For Normalcy

We wish you and your loved ones a very Happy and Prosperous Diwali.

2020 has been a roller coaster ride for the entire world. This post summarises what we went through and a wish for a normalised Diwali in 2021. Lets get our 3Fs in order – Fitness, Family and Finances.