2022 Start Of Year Note

We start 2022 with a third year of raging COVID infections. A silver lining being – the number of hospitalisations are under control. I wish that we start seeing weakness of the virus from here on.

This post covers my thoughts on what we saw in the last one year and my guesses for how things may shape up in the near future across different asset classes.

Value of Your Time

Do you spend hours each week tracking investment bets ? Would this be your core skill set versus your primary source of income ? If not, have you given it a thought of what else you could do with this investment of time ? Read this post on the value of your time and how you could leverage on professional help to achieve better outcomes.

How To Pick A Multibagger Stock

Buying stocks is buying a stake in a business. In this post we discuss how investors could identify fundamentally strong Companies which can deliver long term wealth. At the same time, this could assist in weeding out many of the minefields in the world of equity investing.

My Investment Mistakes

The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing Henry Ford A lot of what I am is owing to the investment mistakes I did at the earlier part of my life. It sounds a mouthful but this is an honest admission. My initial mistakes in the world of finance & investing […]

How Different Asset Classes Were In Last 10 Years

This blog post is compiled from our twitter thread. Please follow us @banyanfa on Twitter for regular feeds. Lastly, the screenshot is obtained from a ppt of @MotilalOswalAMC See how a balanced portfolio (in Black) will tone down sharp movements of different asset classes, giving a much smoother and Positive investment journey. Related Posts:2022 Start […]

Economic Update – July 2020

Very interesting insights were shared by Nilesh Shah from Kotak Mutual Fund via the Monthly Update. I am sharing some nuggets out of the overall insights are in this thread. This blog note is an extract from our twitter handle @banyanfa

Peer to Peer Lending

P2P Lending gives individual investors an ability to explore an additional investment avenue whereby they earn interest income out a loan portfolio. This blog explains key features of P2P Lending opportunity.

Geographical Diversification – A Key Risk Management Strategy

The first step for any investor is to get used to Equity Markets. As an investor gets used to the volatility and growth features of Equities, he also realises that most of his investments in Equities go up and down at the same time. The magnitude of going up and down may differ across different […]

Our Youngest Clients – Age 7 and 10

Siya and Mukund have been lovely siblings and are of age 10 and 7 respectively. Very young and full of energy. Their hobbies are similar as well. Both like skating, swimming and mathematics. They do good in their school and get excellent grades in academics. Right from their childhood they have learned an important lesson […]