The post goes through key highlights of the India Budget 2023 and personal tax changes.
Economic Update
Diwali Note-2022

I wish you and your loved ones a Shubh Diwali. In our yearly Diwali note, we are combining our wishes along with our views on the year ahead. Best wishes.
2022 Start Of Year Note

We start 2022 with a third year of raging COVID infections. A silver lining being – the number of hospitalisations are under control. I wish that we start seeing weakness of the virus from here on.
This post covers my thoughts on what we saw in the last one year and my guesses for how things may shape up in the near future across different asset classes.
Diwali 2021 Note
This year, Diwali reminds me once again the importannce of health. One must take opportunity to spend time with family. And while Goddess Laxmi is being kind, one must not get carried away. Please maintain balanced investment asset allocation.
A Special Diwali And Hope For Normalcy
We wish you and your loved ones a very Happy and Prosperous Diwali.
2020 has been a roller coaster ride for the entire world. This post summarises what we went through and a wish for a normalised Diwali in 2021. Lets get our 3Fs in order – Fitness, Family and Finances.
- Economy
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Economic Update – July 2020
Very interesting insights were shared by Nilesh Shah from Kotak Mutual Fund via the Monthly Update. I am sharing some nuggets out of the overall insights are in this thread. This blog note is an extract from our twitter handle @banyanfa
Financial Journey – 2018 to 2019 > Moving into 2020
Friends, At the outset, I wish you all a very happy new year. May your aspirations come true and you continue to have healthy and happy life. 2019, following 2018, wasn’t a year which gave many people a lot of smile when they were looking into their investment portfolios. And if this was not sufficient, […]