Very interesting insights were shared by Nilesh Shah from Kotak Mutual Fund via the Monthly Update. I am sharing some nuggets out of the overall insights are in this thread. This blog note is an extract from our twitter handle @banyanfa
Corona Specific Medical Insurance Policy

Specific illness medical policy at a reasonable premium is a welcome step from Medical Insurance Companies where people can take insurance for the looming health risks in case of Corona / COVID virus. One of such product is from HDFC Ergo – Corona Kavach Policy.
How To Use Price Earning (PE) Ratio In Making Investment Decisions

PE ratio is one of the metrics which is used by an investor to evaluate an investment option. This post gives more colour on the breakdown of a PE ratio and the factors which impact a PE.
Peer to Peer Lending

P2P Lending gives individual investors an ability to explore an additional investment avenue whereby they earn interest income out a loan portfolio. This blog explains key features of P2P Lending opportunity.
If India’s Credit Rating Gets Downgraded..

It is happening again. In 2012, we had Fitch downgrading its India’s rating outlook to Negative. In 2020, we now have Moody’s downgrading its rating from Baa2 to Baa3. What would would this mean? This post aims to demystify the importance and actions of Rating agencies.
Investment in Fixed Income or Debt

Our blog post on key characteristics of investments in Debt securities with a few Do’s and Dont’s
Managing Finances in Uncertain Times

As I write this blog, worldwide the impact of virus on human life is increasing with every passing day. The latest published statistics by WHO states that there are around 800K confirmed lives that have been infected with the virus and ~40K deaths. There are bouts of positive news are also making the news > […]
COVID-19 – Impact on Your Personal Finance

Dear Readers, I hope you are safe and doing well. Indeed these are challenging times which are impacting each one of us via multi-facet manners by posing risks on both health and wealth. In last one month, if health hazards were not enough, all avenues of making and preserving wealth are being impacted. It can […]
- Insurance
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Mutual Fund Versus Insurance Funds – Which is More Effective

This blog post attempts to look into investment returns given by different categories of Insurance and Mutual Fund schemes.
Financial Journey – 2018 to 2019 > Moving into 2020
Friends, At the outset, I wish you all a very happy new year. May your aspirations come true and you continue to have healthy and happy life. 2019, following 2018, wasn’t a year which gave many people a lot of smile when they were looking into their investment portfolios. And if this was not sufficient, […]