I had a pleasure of attending the 24th Wealth Study conference of Motilal Oswal (MOS) on 18th December, hosted at the Motilal Oswal Towers in Mumbai. As always, it is a pleasure to hear Mr. Raamdeo Agrawal himself presenting the study, rather than going through the written material. I have uploaded the video of the […]
Geographical Diversification – A Key Risk Management Strategy

The first step for any investor is to get used to Equity Markets. As an investor gets used to the volatility and growth features of Equities, he also realises that most of his investments in Equities go up and down at the same time. The magnitude of going up and down may differ across different […]
Product Review – Medical Insurance – Apollo Munich Optima Restore

When it comes to medical insurance, you need to ensure that you get hooked onto the policy which has best possible features, needless to mention, competitive claim settlement ratios. We find that Apollo Munich’s Optima Restore medical insurance policy offers one of the best policy features at a competitive price. Room Rent Capping – There […]
Product Review – Zerodha Stock Brokerage Account

If you intend to invest or trade in stocks, you got to open a stock brokerage account in India. I remember my early days of stock trading – I could call up my broker or sit in his room full of other traders.. glued to the screen with zooming stock prices. If I liked a […]
Provident Fund Interest Rate Movements – Since 1952
A large number of people in India have significant amount of money invested in Provident Fund (PF) which forms a critical part of their financial savings towards their retirements. The interest rate applicable for the year is announced by the Labour ministry after their discussion with the Finance ministry. The interest rate applicable for this […]
Liquid Fund – Introduction of Exit Load
Liquid funds have increasingly become a preferred option to park surplus ‘liquid’ funds by individuals and corporates. As of Sept 2019, 590K crore which comprises of about 25% of the overall industry. Our earlier post on ‘How Safe Are Liquid Funds‘ still stands relevant till date. SEBI has introduced a graded exit load on Liquid […]
Our Youngest Clients – Age 7 and 10

Siya and Mukund have been lovely siblings and are of age 10 and 7 respectively. Very young and full of energy. Their hobbies are similar as well. Both like skating, swimming and mathematics. They do good in their school and get excellent grades in academics. Right from their childhood they have learned an important lesson […]
Tax Implications of Mutual Funds on Residents and NRIs

It is very important that investors know the tax impact of mutual funds prior to investing. A tax inefficient investment can result in providing a major portion of your future returns to the tax man. To ease your investment decision, we have dedicated this article to explain the tax liability associated with different types of […]
Where Do I Invest Lump sum Amount ?

When it comes to investing a lump sum amount, what is the first investment option which comes to your mind ? Did we hear the word real estate ? If yes, we won’t be surprised as real estate tends to be the asset class of choice for big chunks of money. After all, if you […]
Why Not To Invest in New Pension Scheme (NPS)

New Pension scheme (NPS) was given a fresh breather of life with effect from 1 April 2015 when the finance minister gave additional Rs. 50,000 tax rebate on investments being made into NPS. While the air was fresh, it was not fresh enough. Investments into NPS are exempt from tax at the time of investments, […]